
Wear this Chinese Buddhist necklace around your neck so that its positive waves protect you against bad energies. This jewelry is loaded with blessing and spirituality, so it is perfect if you share the life philosophy of Buddhism.

  • Durable necklace: you can keep it for several years
  • Handcrafted in accordance with the values ​​of Buddhism
  • Ideal jewelry for meditation and yoga

Learn more about this Chinese Buddhist necklace

This piece of jewelry is made up of different wooden beads and stones. This is a traditional chinese necklace which is very popular in Asia. Indeed, the chinese buddhist necklace is renowned for being a lucky jewel because he benefits from divine protection. By wearing it around your neck, you will ward off negative energies and improve your well-being.

We also find a pendant on this Buddhist rosary which matches perfectly with the different colors of the stones. This pendant features a Feng Shui style and embodies the philosophy of Buddhism.

The history of the Buddhist necklace

No one knows the exact date of creation of this jewel, but we know that it dates back more than 3000 years. It is therefore an ancestral jewel which has survived the ages and gained popularity over time. Initially, it was used only for spiritual and religious purposes.

In fact, Buddhist monks used the 108 beads that make up these bracelets to count their mantras. But today, even though the spiritual connotation still exists, many people who are not practicing Buddhism wear one.

If this jewel is so popular, it is because it is known to improve our luck and happiness. It also allows us to clear our minds and achieve inner peace. It is therefore ideal for all people practicing meditation, yoga or even Tai-Chi.

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