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Are you looking for what are the 10 rules of Buddhism ? Then you are in the right place. In this article, you will discover the 10 precepts that Buddhist monks must accept.

To apply them, you do not need to become a monk. You will see that these rules are easily applicable to your everyday life. By following them, you will respect all forms of life, thus you will improve your Karma.

The first 5 rules are respected by all “laymans”, in other words by the people. As for the monks, they respect these 5 rules and the following 5 that I will reveal to you in this article.

I advise you to read this article to the end because the last precepts are very important.

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The 5 fundamental Buddhist rules

fundamental Buddhist rule

1. Panatipata veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami

This first rule of Buddhism invites us not to kill other living beings. All forms of life must be respected and we must not consider ourselves superior beings.

To respect this precept, you must therefore avoid eating meat and fish as much as possible so as not to be complicit in these mass murders. If you are already vegetarian (or vegan), then you already fully respect this rule.

This rule is the first because it is fundamental for human beings to live in harmony and peace. It’s something very basic, but essential.

2. Adinnadana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami

This phrase can be literally translated as “I undertake the precept not to take what is not given.” So it’s a rule to prohibit humans from flying.

The property of others must be respected. This rule of Buddhism is also one of the fundamentals of life in society.

You agree not to steal anything, even if it is an object of low value, it is an act that must be prohibited. This allows us to live in trust with the people around us.

This rule also invites us to limit our desires and not to envy our neighbor. Indeed, materialistic desires are a source of eternal dissatisfaction. You must therefore learn to master them and understand that happiness is found within yourself, not in possessions.

3. Abrahmacariya veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami

This 3rd rule of Buddhism concerns the control of one's sexual desires. You should not follow your sexual urges or be guided by your desires. If you want to fully embody this precept, abstinence is key.

You can practice abstinence for a period of 30 days for example. Then over time, increase this period in order to progress. Of course you are not a Buddhist monk, so you don't need to give up your sex life entirely. It's all about control.

This rule is stipulated in the teachings of Buddha in order to avoid rape and other sexual abuse.

4. Musavada veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami

This precept invites us to refrain from all incorrect speech. It is therefore a rule that prohibits us from lying. Although not every truth is good to tell, you should never think of lying.

Lying is an act that will have negative consequences in your life in the long term. Those around you will no longer have confidence in you and your words will no longer have credibility.

To maintain healthy relationships with your loved ones, it is important to follow this 4rd rule of Buddhism and therefore to tell the truth.

5. Suramerayamajja pamadatthana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami

This rule states that you should not consume foods or drinks that impair your mind and confidence. It is therefore a precept which prohibits the consumption of drugs or alcohol.

This rule does two things:

  • Avoid destroying your health and your conscience with substances that are harmful and will not bring anything positive to your life. Indeed, we may be tempted to escape certain problems by using drugs. But the drug will not make them disappear, on the contrary it will make them worse.
  • Buddhism being a religion which invites control of oneself and one's emotions, drugs are prohibited because they create an addiction that is very difficult to control. In addition, they alter our consciousness and modify our emotions, which goes against Buddhist principles.

The rules of Buddhism respected by the monks

Buddhist monk precept

So we have seen the 5 fundamental rules followed by all practitioners of Buddhism. You see that these are very basic principles that you probably applied before knowing them. If all humans respected them, it would make it possible to live in harmony and improve everyone's well-being.

Now let's see the other 5 rules so that you know the 10 rules of Buddhism.

6. Vikalabhojana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami

This Buddhist precept prohibits us from eating in the afternoon. Indeed, Buddhist monks are allowed to eat only from dawn until 12 p.m. Then he spends the rest of the day without eating and goes to sleep on an empty stomach.

This fast is only valid for monks in good health who are in hot countries. Otherwise, this rule may be adapted and modified.

This short daily fasting period helps improve health and well-being. Indeed, the digestive organs are less stimulated, they are therefore preserved and this also helps to increase our energy level.

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7. Nacca-gita-vadita-visuka-dassana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami

This is how this 7rd rule of Buddhism translates: “I undertake the precept of abstaining from dancing, singing, music, going to see shows. ". She therefore invites us to limit entertainment in order to concentrate on the practice of Buddhism, meditation and other religious rituals.

Entertainment distracts monks from their causes and life goals, which is why it should be limited. But in reality, this rule does not completely prohibit monks from having fun. It's all a question of dosage and control. Some monks therefore attend shows but they consume the entertainment sparingly.

8. Mala-gandha-vilepana-dharana-mandana-vibhusanatthana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami

This rule addresses the cult of the body and therefore prohibits wearing jewelry, perfume or any other objects intended to beautify the body. Monks must not be tempted by seduction, anything that aims to sublimate the body must therefore be prohibited.

In addition, we must respect our body and not try to modify or improve it. This rule advocates self-acceptance without artifice. Like the laughing Buddha who accepted himself despite his big belly, every human must accept his body and his physique.

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9. Uccasayana-mahasayana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami

This precept tells monks that they should not sleep in luxurious bedding or settle in a higher place than noble beings. The hierarchy must therefore be respected.

The monks therefore all sleep at the same height level because they are all equal. But older or wiser people should sleep in higher beds.

This rule invites monks to be respectful of their elders and to remain humble.

10. Jatarupa-rajata-patiggahana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami

We now arrive at 10rd rule of Buddhism. This is about not accepting and not using gold or silver.

When making an offering to a Buddhist monk, the pieces should not be passed from hand to hand. This is why they are placed on a table in front of the monks. Endowments can also be made in an envelope to avoid direct contact with the money.

So we have seen the 10 rules of Buddhism which are respected by monks. But in reality, there are many more precepts that are followed by these practitioners of Buddhism. In fact, we identify 227 rules delivered by Buddha.

Are you going to apply the 10 rules of Buddhism?

10 Buddhist precepts

Now that you have discovered the 10 rules of Buddhism, how will you apply them in your life?

The first 5 precepts are respected by most humans since they are found in the various legal texts. But the following 5 rules can be more complicated to follow.

Indeed, nowadays entertainment plays a big role in our society, so it can be complicated to give it up. As for the 8rd rule, it is also difficult to fully apply it in a society where physique and aesthetics count more and more.

You can therefore apply these precepts in small doses so as not to be rushed by radical changes in your life. You will then be able to progress and fully respect the 10 rules of Buddhism if that is your wish.

But above all, these rules aim for happiness and well-being. You should not be in pain while applying them, it should be a choice. So, remember that your happiness comes first.

This is now the end of this article, I hope it has helped you learn more about the 10 Buddhist precepts.

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